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AMLO, without a true opposition front?

This text was originally published on June 26, 2019

The results of the federal elections of July 1, 2018 left the Morena party not only with the triumph in the presidency, but a majority in both legislative chambers, which turned the opposition parties into small parliamentary blocs with little force of action, experts agree.

Therefore, “there are no structured weights as before. The most important counterweight for the government is the political parties, but by winning the elections with a broad alliance, that broke up party structures, ”said Gustavo López Montiel, political analyst at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

In 2015, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action (PAN) and the Democratic Revolution (PRD) were shown as the strongest parties in the Senate, since they represented 75%, however today they barely occupy the 3. 4%. Meanwhile, in San Lázaro they went from occupying 64% of the seats to only 48% today.

López Obrador needs an opponent, since acts such as monopolizing the national agenda and concentrating power on a single axis can be negative even for him, since “only his decisions are expected, there are no mistakes of others, only his, there is no contradictor that feeds that love of the followers, ”said Jorge Arias, director of the Mexico Democratic Development Index (IDD-MX).

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When AMLO monopolizes the screens, there is a feeling that the decisions are not made by the institutions, but only by one person. Therefore, intelligence from the opponents is needed to create a positive agenda, through local governments that propose alternatives and fight, said the head of IDD-MX.

In that context, the leaders of the PAN, PRD and PRI, in an interview with Forbes Mexico, agree on the need to point out the mistakes of the new government, present new alternatives to citizenship and initiate, in some cases, a process of renewal and restructuring of the matches.

PRD, a hard match to kill
The new generation of PRD members will be in charge of giving the party a new direction and eliminating old schemes such as the tribes inside, said Angel Avila Romero, secretary general of the Aztec sun when asked about the situation of that political institute as an opposition block.

"Today it has become clear to us that we cannot continue with the same scheme, today we have to open ourselves to candidates even if they are not of the currents, we need people to trust us and we have good results with that strategy," he explained.

He said they have two years to unify efforts, territorialize them and see the best candidates, even if they are not from the PRD. This 30 years after the foundation of the political institute, which was forged to represent and group left in Mexico at the time.

He insisted that they have as challenges to point out the errors of the AMLO government and present alternatives, even when they have a very small bench in both houses: 11 deputies and four senators, due to the leaks to other parties.

The PRD is showing people that it has new ideas, its concern for the environment and the danger posed by the megaprojects of the federal administration, such as the Mayan Train and the Dos Bocas Refinery, he stressed.

Although he is aware of the wear and tear that the party has suffered, due to corruption allegations among others, the Aztec sun is interested in maintaining political congruence, so that “people see that we do what we say,” explains Ávila Romero.

He said they are working on state committees, convincing people and fighting against presidentialism, even though he only has a 32-year government, Michoacán with Silvano Aureoles in front.

He opted for the profiles of Beatriz Mujica, Julio César Moreno, Fernando Belaunzarán and his as the new generation of PRD, which although they are not so positioned to face the figure of AMLO, but to put the ideas of the PRD.

"They are not mediatically known but they are the generational relay," he said.

Will the PRI resurface, again, from its ashes?
After being a majority in 2015 in both congresses, three years later the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) became the third legislative force, with 11% of seats in the Senate and 9.4% in the lower house.

However, the party will remain a "serious and responsible opposition, in favor of the country and not against the government," said Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, coordinator of the PRI bench in the Senate.

This political institute has "openly point out the inconsistencies and errors" of this government. “As legislators contain. We have a containment block, not opposition, ”he said.

90 years after its foundation, the party goes through a turbulent moment, since during the election election process

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